Welcome to

Loved Fearlessly!

A sacred space from the creative mind of Sarah Chicalas, offering Gold Standard services.  In this space, Sarah is here to guide, witness and support the full awakening of your power and pleasure.

Welcome to

Loved Fearlessly!

A sacred space from the creative mind of Sarah Chicalas, offering Gold Standard services.  In this space, Sarah is here to guide, witness and support the full awakening of your power and pleasure.

At the center of Sarah's work is the

Sacral Chakra.

It houses your own personal power, creativity and sexuality.

With that, comes your life force, your eros and your truest self-beliefs. When you suppress any one of those, you are blocking the energetic flow. Working with this centre can be confronting and at times, uncomfortable as trauma and any negative narratives can sit in that area.

In stepping into this

Sacred Space with Sarah, you are safe and fully embraced in therapist-held intimacy.

All of you is welcomed and allowed to be vulnerable, to be heard and seen like never before!

During our sessions together there are no expectations or judgement.

As a Trauma-Informed Holistic Practitioner,

Sarah offers the following ancient practices:

Sarah offers the following ancient practices:

  • Sacral Somatic Therapies

  • Connection Touch Massage

  • Closing of the Bones Ceremonies

  • Transference Healing

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

  • Australian Bush Flower Essences

These practices allow for re-connection to the body, assist in releasing physical and emotional tension and allow you to tap into your self-awareness of pleasure.

They are for the Willing Woman.

What Sarah's clients have said...

"From the moment I arrived at the space Sarah had created for the Closing of the Bone’s Ceremony I felt at ease, my senses were greeted with beautiful aromas and soft music setting the tone for the journey. Indulging in a gentle foot spa and foot massage, Sarah prepared me to receive and relax. I felt safe, warm, and supported throughout the entire ceremony and left the experience feeling relaxed and nurtured. 

I highly recommend the ceremony, no matter where you are in life.

You owe it to you to take the time out of your schedule and experience a Closing of the Bone’s Ceremony. Many heartfelt ‘thanks’ to you Sarah for treating me to my very first."

"From the moment I arrived at the space Sarah had created for the Closing of the Bone’s Ceremony I felt at ease, my senses were greeted with beautiful aromas and soft music setting the tone for the journey. Indulging in a gentle foot spa and foot massage, Sarah prepared me to receive and relax. I felt safe, warm, and supported throughout the entire ceremony and left the experience feeling relaxed and nurtured. 

I highly recommend the ceremony, no matter where you are in life.

You owe it to you to take the time out of your schedule and experience a Closing of the Bone’s Ceremony. Many heartfelt ‘thanks’ to you Sarah for treating me to my very first."

- Kelly 

“I had been reading and listening to a lot about Yoni de-armouring and I knew when the universe put Sarah and I in a chance meeting at the same conference together that it was time to seek this healing for myself.

Sarah held such an incredibly safe space for me during my first Sacral Somatics session [Yoni Massage] & Closing of the Bones ceremony.

I was flooded with such emotion, but she guided me through it so calmly, checking in with me during and after, and debriefing again later in the week.

I cannot do justice in words to the experience. I will be coming back to this amazing healing space with Sarah again. Amazing woman, an amazing beginning to my journey."

“I had been reading and listening to a lot about Yoni de-armouring and I knew when the universe put Sarah and I in a chance meeting at the same conference together that it was time to seek this healing for myself.

Sarah held such an incredibly safe space for me during my first Sacral Somatics session [Yoni Massage] & Closing of the Bones ceremony.

I was flooded with such emotion, but she guided me through it so calmly, checking in with me during and after, and debriefing again later in the week.

I cannot do justice in words to the experience. I will be coming back to this amazing healing space with Sarah again. Amazing woman, an amazing beginning to my journey."

- Anonymous 

" I was delighted to find out that Sarah was offering Closing of the Bones Ceremonies. My experience with Sarah exceeded all expectations. Soon after meeting her, I felt a strong trust that Sarah could hold the space for me, and she held it so beautifully. I felt safe that she was holding the physical space while I was in Ceremony. She played the medicine drum during and it was magic, the sound bowls were amazing to listen to as well. I’m delighted that I got to experience being held by Sarah through the Ceremony and would highly recommend her. I’ll be back for sure!"

" I was delighted to find out that Sarah was offering Closing of the Bones Ceremonies. My experience with Sarah exceeded all expectations. Soon after meeting her, I felt a strong trust that Sarah could hold the space for me, and she held it so beautifully. I felt safe that she was holding the physical space while I was in Ceremony. She played the medicine drum during and it was magic, the sound bowls were amazing to listen to as well. I’m delighted that I got to experience being held by Sarah through the Ceremony and would highly recommend her. I’ll be back for sure!"

- Anonymous 

"My Sacral Somatics session [yoni massage] was one of the most empowering experiences I have ever had. I felt safe and loved throughout every moment and have never felt so in tune with my body during and after the massage!"

- Anonymous

"Sarah was very conscious of making the massage personal, we had a discussion beforehand to discuss if there was anything in particular, I did/didn’t want. She offered me a foot spa beforehand which helped to calm my nerves and introduced me to the environment. Offered me water before and afterwards."

- Anonymous

"My session was amazing I felt safe and supported throughout the entire session. The experience opened up so much in my journey and connected pieces of the puzzle that I had been missing."

- Anonymous

" I tried Sarah’s Bush Flower Essences for mainly anxiety and clarity. After 5-7 days I noticed I felt calmer and not feeling so rushed and overwhelmed.I was then away for work and would normally not drive in the city due to anxiety however I felt fine and could easily drive without any panic attacks for the 4 days. I would normally not be one to try anything like this however I highly recommend giving this a go."

- Haylee C.

“A safe space was held and I was guided through the process. Consent was obtained through each section and it was very much a learning experience for myself. [I felt] worshiped and it was all about me. It brought up a lot of feelings and somatic releases. Grateful for the experience.”

- Anonymous

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Loved Fearlessly

Loved Fearlessly acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we service, live and gather, and recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community. Loved Fearlessly pays respect to past, present and emerging.

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Website Designed By The Funnels Queen

Loved Fearlessly

Loved Fearlessly acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we service, live and gather, and recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community. Loved Fearlessly pays respect to past, present and emerging.

© Copyright 2024 Loved Fearlessly - Privacy Policy - Terms & Conditions - Contact

Website Designed By The Funnels Queen